Grauguß Gießerei
Grauguß Gießerei
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.
Grauguß Gießerei
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.

Annual reunion with Lütgert pensioners


The annual Lütgert retiree reunion is a long-standing tradition and a great opportunity to stay in touch with former colleagues. They all share a common professional career, often spanning decades, in the foundry, mechanical production or administration.

In a convivial exchange with the current and former management, they laughed about many a Lütgert anecdote and talked about the current phase of their lives and the changes in the company.

Incidentally, our pensioners were able to look back on a total of 269 years of service at Lütgert on this day. That is very impressive and always gives cause for gratitude for the many years of commitment and loyalty to our family business.

Managing Director Stefan Flohr and Uwe Wittenbrink at the Lütgert pensioners' get-together

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