Grauguß Gießerei
Grauguß Gießerei
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.
Grauguß Gießerei
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.

Congratulations on a successful training


After a total of three years of dual training, Cheyenne successfully passed her final examination on 11 June and thus reached the first milestone in her professional career. We would like to congratulate the newly qualified industrial clerk and wish her all the best for the future!

When Cheyenne started her training as an industrial clerk with us in summer 2021, everyday life and the world of work were still heavily influenced by the Covid pandemic. She certainly won't soon forget the job interview during an online meeting.

Three years have now passed. Cheyenne has passed through all of our company's commercial departments and successfully passed her final examination at the Bielefeld Chamber of Industry and Commerce in mid-June. We are delighted that the young industrial clerk will be staying with us after completing her training. She will be supporting our sales team from now on. Her wide-ranging experience from her commercial training will be ideally utilised. Cheyenne also told us that sales, along with shipping, was her favourite department during her apprenticeship. So it's a perfect match!

Trainer Caroline Bauer (right) congratulates Cheyenne on her successful final exam
Trainer Caroline Bauer (right) congratulates Cheyenne on her successful final exam

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