Grauguß Gießerei
Grauguß Gießerei
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.
Grauguß Gießerei
Mitarbeiter Maschinenfabrik und Eisengießerei Lütgert
Verwaltung Lütgert & Co.

Hitting the bull's eye with 3D archery for the employees


With the occasional team events, Lütgert actively tries to strengthen staff loyalty and team spirit. After a long break due to the pandemic, the Lütgert administration team was invited to a joint 3D archery event. A great change from distance and home office and at the same time a good opportunity to get to know their new colleagues better.

Lütgert Event

Strengthening team spirit through shared experiences

After many months of distance, home office and video conferences, it was time for a joint activity. A special outdoor experience strengthened the feeling of togetherness and encouraged the new colleagues to get to know each other in a more informal way.

With a bow and arrow through the forest

The idea of hunting together originated from the unusual hobby of two employees. Under their professional guidance, the entire team of the Lütgert administration had the chance to prove themselves in 3D archery. The meeting point was the 3D course on the archery field of SV Pavenstädt in Gütersloh, where, in addition to bows and arrows and, refreshments and home-baked muffins were also available.

The aim was to hit the three-dimensional replicas of deer, wild boar, foxes and other forest animals that had been set up in the forest with the long arrows shot from the bows. After a short briefing, everyone achieved their first success relatively quickly. However, in the mountain shooting section, no one managed to "shoot" the big toad, but this certainly gave some of them the incentive to visit the facility again.

After the joint sporting activity, the guests were invited to the beer garden of the Gütersloh brewery in summery temperatures.

The activity was very well received by all participants. 3D archery is not only a fun sporting experience for the whole family, but also has a very special recreational value. The location was great, the organisation perfect and the atmosphere excellent throughout.

Lütgert Event
Lütgert Event

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